Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Do you ever have days where you reeeeealllly want to get something done? Like, not something specific, just SOMETHING. But the longer you think about what you want to do, the more you actually have no idea what to do? Maybe you have too many things to do and you don't know where to start? I think that's where I'm at. Eaten up by a sense of restlessness that is going in every direction and no direction, all at the same time. My list of options is long:

Pack for our trip back home - 1 month in Illinois....we leave in six days, what?!
Make Emma's Minnie Mouse costume.
Clean my house. I would break it down, but ain't nobody got time for that.
Give my baby a bath.
Be a super cool mom and do a craft with my kids.
Do some more homeschooling research. 
Finish making squares for the quilt I started....oh about a year ago.
Sleep. ha. ha.
Go through the kids' clothes and pack the ones that are too small. Joseph (6 mo.) is wearing 18-24 mo. clothes. Giant baby!! Point being - hand-me-downs have gotten a little confusing. 
Bible study.
Return about five phone calls that I have neglected to make. 
Cut out the coupons that have been sitting on my counter for three weeks.

I'm gonna stop there because I just got tired rereading all that. 

But the list goes on and on.

And now you see my dilemma. Or maybe you don't. So much to do, and such a strong desire to get it done. And yet, here I sit, typing, deleting, retyping. Thinking about how much I want to get something done, talking about how much I want to get something done, but not ACTUALLY getting anything done. It's exhausting. 

I know, I know, prioritize. Make a plan. yada yada yada. I'm sure it will finally come to that. For now, though, I will continue to ponder the unexplained feeling of restlessness that has been hovering over me the last several days. At least until the babies wake up from their nap. Then I will probably do something. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Back on the Wagon

How does one return from a self-imposed blogging hiatus? I should say something snappy. Something catchy and quirky that you will remember.

I got nothin.

But I do have these.

At the zoo for Rowan's second birthday

This is a pretty good depiction of their personalities in general :)

Birthday girl turning one and celebrating with cake

Just a few days before the arrival of Baby Joey

Joseph Dane DeLuca
March 31, 2013
Easter Sunday

Rowan with his great-great Grandma Dody

This happened

This may seem like a strange picture to post, but I swear to you my dad makes this EXACT same face

She finished her chocolate milk and realized there was no more. I can relate.

Trying to get a good picture of all three of them lying down. Not possible.

So there's the last 6 months in a nut shell. 

You're welcome Mom and Kathye :)

p.s. The rest of you are welcome for filtering out Rowan's 190 selfies from this summer. 

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