Pack for our trip back home - 1 month in Illinois....we leave in six days, what?!
Make Emma's Minnie Mouse costume.
Clean my house. I would break it down, but ain't nobody got time for that.
Give my baby a bath.
Be a super cool mom and do a craft with my kids.
Do some more homeschooling research.
Finish making squares for the quilt I started....oh about a year ago.
Sleep. ha. ha.
Go through the kids' clothes and pack the ones that are too small. Joseph (6 mo.) is wearing 18-24 mo. clothes. Giant baby!! Point being - hand-me-downs have gotten a little confusing.
Bible study.
Return about five phone calls that I have neglected to make.
Cut out the coupons that have been sitting on my counter for three weeks.
I'm gonna stop there because I just got tired rereading all that.
But the list goes on and on.
And now you see my dilemma. Or maybe you don't. So much to do, and such a strong desire to get it done. And yet, here I sit, typing, deleting, retyping. Thinking about how much I want to get something done, talking about how much I want to get something done, but not ACTUALLY getting anything done. It's exhausting.
I know, I know, prioritize. Make a plan. yada yada yada. I'm sure it will finally come to that. For now, though, I will continue to ponder the unexplained feeling of restlessness that has been hovering over me the last several days. At least until the babies wake up from their nap. Then I will probably do something.