Delayed gratification. Iced coffee tastes a little bit sweeter when it's been waiting for you in the refrigerator for a day and a half. Thank you, Lord.
A quiet house is like salve to the soul. And it's a little bit salvier (I understand this is a made up word) after hours of crying - usually babies', sometimes yours. Thank you, Lord.
The fellowship of women feels a little more like coming home when it has been sorely missed. Thank you, Lord.
Meeting someone who is thriving in the same life stage as you is like being thrown a life preserver. Thank you, Lord.
Challenging words are more riveting in the midst of complacency. Thank you, Lord.
A desperate heart is easier to mold. Thank you, Lord.
Thank you Father for what you are doing in my life, in the lives of my children, and in this crazy city that we live in. Thank you for being always present, even when we think you're not. And thank you for loving us, even on our ugliest days. Thank you for the blessing of your Word and for the assurance of Your gift of salvation. Thank you for friends, for family, for husbands, and thank you for your constant provision in every aspect of my life. I love you with all my heart. Thank you for knowing this in spite of me.
Thank you for this stage of life and I pray you would use it to Your glory.