I was reading a friend's blog this morning and she had this video posted. I love it, so I am unceremoniously stealing it from her...thank you Rachel :) This was my parents' new favorite song when they came to visit. If you haven't heard it before, take a minute to listen to it. It's good because it's true. It IS the little things that send me into crazy mode -- even more so now that I'm a mommy.
It's having Rowan spit up all over the place (literally all over the place - himself, me, the floor, the table - think the splash zone at Thunder Mountain) and then changing him, only to have him annihilate whatever I put on him as soon as I snap the last snap. It's having to cancel dinner dates because baby has a tummy ache and has now spit up in your hair which is actually not so bad because you haven't had time to wash it in a few days anyway. People have put weirder things in their hair. It's having him pass out, dead to the world, right before his last feeding for the day, struggling through 2 oz. of milk only to have him wake you up an hour after you've gone to bed.....and every 2 hours after that. Not to mention the fact that eating a hot meal from start to finish seems to be a thing of the past. There are so many things that I could be frustrated with, scratch that, that I AM frustrated with at any given point during my day (and let's not even talk about non-baby related topics - most of which involve New Orleans drivers).
But the bottom line is, I have way more to be joyful about if I allow myself. I don't always, and I'm pretty sure John can attest to that. It's so much easier to dwell on the negative than the positive. I don't want to be Suzy Sunshine all day and make people want throw things at me, but I DO think it's important to recognize the blessings right in front of my face - a healthy (although spitty) little boy, a husband who loves me exactly how I am and encourages me to be myself, family and friends who care enough to make the heck-a-long trip down here to visit with us, and a God that despite my failings and my tendencies toward the baby crazies is proud of me just because He made me.
I'm working on being closer to Him in this new stage of life. I'm unmotivated, tired, and really kind of lazy, but I miss Him and I desire Him (which is a blessing in and of itself, because that isn't always true). Oh I know He's there alright, and we've been in touch, but I miss hanging out with Him regularly. I need to be affected by Him again. I'm trying to get back in the routine of spending time with Him daily - concerted, intentional time. But I'm struggling with it. Any suggestions would be welcome....
Well, time to tackle the small Everest that has found its way into our laundry hamper. Lots to do today, so I'll try to stay motivated and joyful as I sing my way through our dirty dishes, making friends with the local vermin who will willingly pitch in and scrub away, happily whistling along as the pigeons wash our windows from the outside (for those of you who haven't seen Enchanted, this is how all housework is done in New Orleans).
And for those of you who decide you like Francesca Battistelli, here's another song that is equally good. Happy listening!